Freedom & Fishing

Memorial Day weekend was definitely a memorable one aboard the Sea Angel II! As we looked out at the crystal waters and blue skies, reminiscing about all we had to be thankful for, we quietly remembered the fallen as well as those who serve and/or have served our great nation and defend our flag so that we may celebrate the simple freedoms that we enjoy so freely and often take for granted, such as beautiful days out on the water and fish abounding. Thank you to our servicemen and women. These fish are for you!


A great weekend of tuna, mahi, wahoo, spanish and blues! Thanks to all of our friends for supporting the Sea Angel II!

~Captain Bruce Armstrong


Thanks to Bill Kirby and family. Special kudos to Mom for hanging on and hanging in there!


Thanks to Don Mullins and family! What a crew! It was a pleasure fishing with you guys!


Big thanks to Terry Madigan, Tony and Sandra!