And the News Just KEEPS getting Better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First off I would Like to Welcome Bob "TIKI" Robinson back to Teach's Lair.  Tiki used to Run the FinSeeker out of Here and Va Beach Va, and is a Certified Fish Fish Killa.  He a A GREAT CAPTAIN and an even better friend.  His Vast Knowledge of these waters makes it so he knows where the fish are during all seasons.   So we have added another Custom Fish Killa to our Marina.   

We had so much fun when he had the FinSeeker Here at the Lair.  So Let's all Welcome Tiki Bob Robinson and the MY DECISION ll Back to Teach's Lair Marina.  

Doesn't get any better than this, first the BlueFin Show up than My Good Friend Tiki STROLLS back into town.  Well he Strolled back into town several months ago and has been getting the Boat in Prime Time Fishing Shape.

Captain: "Tiki Bob" Robinson
Contact: Sarah Quigley 571-215-7345
Boat Specs: 50' Rose Brothers
Full Day: $1,575
Full Day Discount: $1,500