Lookie Here As Aaron Said Yesterday, Add Another Fish to the List of What we are Catching!!!!!
If ya Thought it could not get better for Beach and Near Shore Anglers (Small Boater's) well it Just Has.. A real Real Nice Speck was Caught aboard the Bak-Bar. I guessed it at around 4 Pounds but less than 5. Butt hose are my FAVORITE Fish to Target. Water Temp in Sound is Hi 60's and the TROUT are Knocking at the Back Door. Big Big Blues and Hallelujah was all over them.. Look at the Size of them Fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beach has been phenomenal, best Blues in around 2 Decades, cause last time I saw them like this was in 1987.. The Stripers Will Be here either This Winter or Next, because it's Cycles of Life, and No Management plan is Gonna Speed a Cycle. Just Sayin....
Hey we have another Member of the Big DRUM Club, Welcome Johnny Fairbanks Whoop Whoop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Until Next Time JAM out!!!!!!!!!!!!!