More Citation Sheepshead and Drum are EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boats have been at the Dock not the Greatest Weather, that changed Today as I type the Weekend Looks Good. I had to go home and Change cause it got to Hot and I did not expect it. So I am sure some will be going this Easter Weekend.
InShore: Is Going Off, Citation Drum, Citation Sheeps Heads. Blues (Nice ones)
Around 12 Pounds and 36 Inches. Smaller Blues, Oyster Toads..
Big Blues to around 12 Pounds. Citation Drum are Everywhere from Cape Point to Ocracoke. Sea Mullets and Blow Toads are Thick as Thieves. If you are not Catching, MOVE to a New Spot cause its on Fire and My friends are Scoring BIG LEAGUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Irvirs Dorman New Canaan CT. caught a 48 Inch Drum aboard the Hallelujah.
Carson Dayvault of Concord NC had a 11 pound 8 Ounce Sheeps Head (Lead In Pic) aboard the Hallelujah..
Happy Easter Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Until Next Time JAM out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!