Teach's Lair Fishing Reports

Which means he's Catching cause if you know Captain Runaway Jay the way I Know Jay..  He sure is one FHB!!!!!!!!   Sea Bass, Aj's,  a Flounder and one Heck of a Big Shark.   Pretty Work Captain and Crew!!!!!!!!!!

Runaway was not alone out there,  My Decision ll and Captain TIKI Bob at...

Lots of BlackFins mixed with False Albacores.......   


Wesley Werling of Heathsville Va had a 20 Pound BlackFin Tuna aboard the WASABI.

Maxwell Chance of Richmond Va had a 20 Pound BlackFin Tuna...

The Pictures Say it all 2 More For The Wasabi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  One was over 108 inches...     

We at Teach's Have Prided ourselves for as long as I have been doing the Fishing report to NOT REPORT unless there is Picture Proof.  Well Baby we just be Keepin It Real..  Thanks Again to the DOGHOUSE for Helping the Boys get her aboard..  101 Inches ....   

Until  Next time JAM out...

Sea Bass Tacos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Dean Dillingham of Mosely Va had a 27 Pound BlackFin Tuna Aboard the Runaway.. 

Until Next Time JAM out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Waiting on the picture from the Captain, but Captain Kenny Koci and the WASABI  did it again. This time it was a Fish they needed a little Help to get aboard the WASABI.  So the DogHouse was In the area and and came over to give WASABI a hand getting the 101 Incher aboard..  Like I said I have...

What a Difference a day makes, BlueFin, Citation BlackFin and the Next day no Tuna, and I know Captain Jay was Lookin Hard.  But He got his Crew some GREAT Table Fare of Bottom Fish.  This is the Perfect example that YOU CAN NOT INTERNET FISH.  Just Go for it, if it in the cards you will SCORE...

Because they Smoked the BlackFin Tuna.  And boy when you are on them like they were.  WOW...   And this Could be you and this Could happen EVERYDAY, just takes YOU coming HERE and Jumpin on a Boat.  I've been on all of them at our Marina and every Single one of our Captains are Certified Fish...

First off I would Like to Welcome Bob "TIKI" Robinson back to Teach's Lair.  Tiki used to Run the FinSeeker out of Here and Va Beach Va, and is a Certified Fish Fish Killa.  He a A GREAT CAPTAIN and an even better friend.  His Vast Knowledge of these waters makes it so he knows where the fish...

Well after seeing some of the SLOBS Captain Kenny Koci and ZACK ATTACK put on the Docks at Teach's I guess we will see a few of you as soon as this blow is over.  Cause as I have been saying for the last 3 weeks at least, they are here.

Well Sit right back in your easy chair and get ready...