Teach's Lair Fishing Reports

A real Nice Mix and Catch on Everything from Sea Bass to Sails..  Get your Reading glasses long list of Citations

..  BlackFins are Huge this time of Year..... 


Keith Warner of Hoover Al had a 4...

Dolphin Tournament Fun Hatteras Fishing Prizes Teach's Lair Marina

Here we go Folks we want to Blow this Out of the Water with entries. We want to make this like the Ole Marlin Tournaments from 30 Years ago with festivities...

This Photo is from a Few days ago of a Very Dear Friend of mine and a BEAUT of a Puppy Drum.  I won't say who gave me the Picture,  but she's a VERY special Lady too.  Thanks Ladies for Taking me in.. Lots of Sea Mullets a Few Toads, Pups  and Tons of 2 1/2 pound Bluefish in the Boat Basins...

I had a Few More Boats out than I realized the other day  (Last Report) so I apologize, Thumper and BAK BAR we also out and they were Killing the Sea Bass and BlueFish.  Great On the Water Pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Which means he's Catching cause if you know Captain Runaway Jay the way I Know Jay..  He sure is one FHB!!!!!!!!   Sea Bass, Aj's,  a Flounder and one Heck of a Big Shark.   Pretty Work Captain and Crew!!!!!!!!!!

Runaway was not alone out there,  My Decision ll and Captain TIKI Bob at...

Lots of BlackFins mixed with False Albacores.......   


Wesley Werling of Heathsville Va had a 20 Pound BlackFin Tuna aboard the WASABI.

Maxwell Chance of Richmond Va had a 20 Pound BlackFin Tuna...

The Pictures Say it all 2 More For The Wasabi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  One was over 108 inches...     

We at Teach's Have Prided ourselves for as long as I have been doing the Fishing report to NOT REPORT unless there is Picture Proof.  Well Baby we just be Keepin It Real..  Thanks Again to the DOGHOUSE for Helping the Boys get her aboard..  101 Inches ....   

Until  Next time JAM out...

Sea Bass Tacos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Dean Dillingham of Mosely Va had a 27 Pound BlackFin Tuna Aboard the Runaway.. 

Until Next Time JAM out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Waiting on the picture from the Captain, but Captain Kenny Koci and the WASABI  did it again. This time it was a Fish they needed a little Help to get aboard the WASABI.  So the DogHouse was In the area and and came over to give WASABI a hand getting the 101 Incher aboard..  Like I said I have...