Teach's Lair Fishing Reports

Report for the 21st
Dolphins, Triggers, and AJ's OffShore.  InShore REAL Nice TROUT and Drum.  


Steve Jones of Aylett Va had a Cudda aboard the Runaway.  

Steve Jones of Aylett Va had a 5 Pound...

Longer Days was out today and they had a nice batch of Dolphin.  

On the Inshore lots of Nice Specks.

Beach Sea Mullets and Short Flounders a Few Pups..   


Jr Roth had a ( pound 2 Ounce...

Well with all that has been Going on on our Beloved Island, this little Ditty Here should put a Smile on your Face.  Capt'n Kenny's Son Fisher is Three and since he Could stand on his own he has wanted to go Fishing with his Daddy, well the perfect time arose for his Test Run.  He Loved it and...

Been a Mixed bag, lots of Sails, a Few Dolphin and a Few Wahoo.  Bak Bar was on the AJ and Triggers Pretty Work!!!!!


Kenneth Parks of Mount Gilead NC had a 6 pound 8 ounce Trigger while aboard the Bak Bar...

We're Back is the Line in one of my Favorite Movies and that's Right Ladies and Gentlemen we are Back and we are Catching.  YellowFins, BlackFin, Wahoo's and our Little Green and Yellow Friends the Mahi Mahi.  

InShore fishing has been Steady the past few days Drum and a Few Specks (...

Only a Few Boats out due to tough conditions but the Boats that went were Rewarded with nice catches of Wahoo and BlackFins.  Inshore was Drum..  Beach is Still Slow..  


Randal Graham of Mocksville Nc had...

Spotty Rain made for Beautiful SunSets and RainBows and Great Wahoo Catching..  Mix in a Few BlackFins and a BUNCH of SAILS....    Great Stuff.  We started the Day with a Rainbow and we Ended it with one.  The Pot of Gold was the SunSet.  


You only Live Once, there is no "Woulda Shoulda Coulda" in the is Life, JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!

OffShore Remains, Pun Intended, OFF THE HOOK!!!!!  The Wahoo Bite is nothing Short of Phenomenal.  High Speed Trolling has been Bringing in Most of the Fish and the Hoo's are Chewin.  BlackFin Tuna...

What a Beautiful day on and off our Island,  weather was perfect for both On and OffShore. Sea Conditions were Great and we had lots of Private Boaters out there.  It's GREAT to see all our Charter Fleet Catching, but when the Private Boaters Come back with a Stellar Catch, it just makes me Feel...

It Might be Hump Day for You, but to Me it's Monday, and we Have SOOOOOOOOOO  Many Pictures of The Fish that were Caught the last 2 Days.  We hope you Enjoy!!!!!!!!!


Will Dasch of South Chesterfield Va...